Specimens of the Globe, 3D printed sculptures and digital prints, 2018 Specimens of the Globe is a research-based,…

Voice in Void by Yujia Zhang, Zhouye Sun and Qing Xue
Voice in Void, Animation and 3D printed sculpture, 1’27”, 2018 What if we lived in a world where…

Glimpse of Future Past by Lukasz Mirocha
Glimpse of Future Past, Real-time simulation, 2018 Thanks to real-time content production software (e.g. game engines) the language…

Indecisive Dereliction by Eugenia Kim
Indecisive Dereliction, Single channel video, 5’13”, 2018 Indecisive Dereliction is a short dance film bringing forth the struggle of a couple,…
Open Call for Events
We welcome you to contribute to the ISCMA Student-Led Salon, an event space which allows students and visitors…
Announcing the Open Systems Salon
We’re excited to announce the Open Systems Salon taking place 4-13 January 2019 as part of the ISCMA…
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